[ Mission ] [ Rheometry ] [ 14th Ibausil ] [ Rheometer for building materials ] [ Contact ] [ German? ] [ Tätigkeitsfeld ] [ Rheometrie ] [ 14. Ibausil ] [ Baustoffrheometer ] [ Kontakt ] [ English? ]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. R. V O G E L |
Malerstieg 6 |
R. VOGEL - FORSCHUNG is dealing with
the investigation of non-NEWTONian fluids, suspensions, dispersions and mixtures of fluids and bulk materials by rheological analysis and identification tests.
For example: ceramic slip, paper stock, faecal matters, sludge, glue, paste, green concrete, mortar
Special expert's tasks are surveys and consultations relating to viscosimeters and rheometers. Furthermore the lab develops and produces measuring cells to complete such devices for special applications.
the conception, the development and the design support for machines and plants of flow and bulk engineering; complex theoretical investigations and model tests; determination of design criterions as well as the pre-calculation of the optimal operating point (e.g. the best efficiency point)
For example: pipelines, catchpots, pumps, mixers and agitators, tanks and sumps, fluid beds, circulation and thrust grates
The main focus points to the analysis, investigation and verification of
pipe friction loss curves for various NEWTON and non-NEWTON fluids, basing on fluid's characteristic flow curves and / or experimental results; conversion of performance curves for centrifugal pumps
application and calculation of equipment for the transportation of mixtures of fluids and abrasive or explosive components
transportation, mechanical and thermal treatment of bulk material in rotary kiln basing on model tests; design of process-typical equipment; identification of characteristic transport or process curves; dimensioning of drives
the exploration of aeration and ventilation problems of buildings, in difficult cases on the base of purposive model tests
R. VOGEL - FORSCHUNG takes on research and development tasks as well as complex engineering services and the evaluation of available machine and plant studies.
The lab provides competent consultancy and assessment with expert's knowledge.